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Admission Applications

The school’s process for admission applications are handled by Bucks County Council.  Full details can be found on the admissions page of the Bucks County Council Website.

If you need to apply for a school place mid-way through a school year, details can be found on the Bucks County Council in-year admissions page.

Visiting the school

The school usually holds open mornings in the autumn term for parents to meet the Headteacher and have a tour of the school. We look forward to meeting you!


For Nursery admissions, including places for two year olds, please see our Nursery admissions page for full details.

Children start school at the beginning of the academic year in which their fifth birthday falls. All children come to school full time from September.

The admission number for Lane End Primary School is 30. This figure represents the maximum number of children that can normally be admitted to the school for the first time in any one academic year.  In the event of the number of requests for admission exceeding the number of places available, the criteria laid down by the County Council will be followed. Admission forms and the ‘Guide for Parents, Admissions to Buckinghamshire Schools’ may be requested from the school office. In exceptional circumstances, the entry of children from the catchment area may be deferred.

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