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Welcome to the governors page

Our Governance Structure

Lane End Primary School operates as a Full Governing Body (circle model) that oversees finance, premises and the curriculum. A separate Pay Committee meets annually to review the headteachers’ performance management and pay recommendations for staff. Full Governing Body meetings are held twice a term.   All governors attend at least one additional termly meeting which focuses solely on an area of the curriculum and is presented by one of the school’s curriculum teams. This ensures governors have an opportunity to understand how the curriculum is structured and progresses through the school. These meetings also help to inform governor visits to the school.

What is the role of the Governing body?

Our Governing Body is unwavering in its commitment to achieving the highest standards for the children and staff at our school.  Governors work closely with the Headteacher to focus the strategic direction of the school’s work and to hold the leadership team to account for meeting school improvement priorities, within three broad strands
Establishing the strategic direction, by:

  • Setting and ensuring clarity of vision, values, and objectives for the school
  • Agreeing the school improvement plan with priorities and targets
  • Meeting statutory duties

Ensuring accountability, by:

  • Appointing the Head Teacher
  • Monitoring the educational performance of the school and progress towards agreed targets
  • Performance managing the Head Teacher
  • Engaging with stakeholders
  • Contributing to school self-evaluation

Overseeing financial performance, by:

  • Monitoring budget setting and spending against the budget
  • Ensuring money is well spent and value for money is obtained
  • Ensuring risks to the organisation are managed

Please see below for more information about our Governors and their roles:

Governor Details

Governor details Oct 24

Please follow this link for details of the Governing Body committee membership and attendance.

Governor Monitoring

Please follow this link for the annual Governor Monitoring Schedule for academic year 2023-2024.

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