Wraparound Care At Lane End Primary School
We are pleased to be able to offer a breakfast club from 7.30am-8.30am which is run by Sports 4 Kids. Read on to find out more information or book now by following the link to their online booking page: https://bookings.sports4kids.biz

Dear Lane End Primary School Families,
We are delighted to announce that Sport4Kids will be partnering with Lane End Primary School from September 2022 to deliver a NEW Breakfast Club. S4K has been working with Lane End for a number of years and we are extremely excited to extend our support of the school and its families.
Sport4Kids – Who are we?
For those of you who don’t know who we are, our philosophy to sport is simple: we aim to revolutionise the way that sport is taught to children through a blend of child-centric sports activities and the best technical skills coaching from around the globe. Guided by the research of child psychologists, we aim to build confidence in children through ensuring constant progression and engagement with sport and healthy habits. We believe in creating a caring and all-inclusive environment where children are able to learn and develop their own skills on both an individual level and a team level.
Inspiration, Motivation & Education
Our Breakfast Club provision provides working parents with a childcare service they can trust. We build the relationship between our coaching team, your child, Lane End staff, and also you as a parent or guardian, so that we can make sure that our service is exactly what is wanted and needed. Children access a fun and energetic programme of activities that is designed to promote physical and mental well-being in a safe and nurturing environment. Children are also provided with nutritious food and drink and access to ‘non-sporty’ activities such as LEGO, arts and crafts, and board games. Our S4K Sport Development Plan allows us to harness passion and/or talent in order to allow children to further explore their desire to play a specific sport.
Fun and Care
Pupils will have breakfast (toast with a variety of toppings, cereal, milk, fruit and veg), help tidy up and take part in a gentle and fun exercise or sport to wake them up and energise them before going their class teachers for the school day.
Timings and Pricing
Breakfast Club begins at 7.30am. The cost will be £5.50 per session. Children can be booked on for the full term, half term, weekly or daily. Please note, if you wish to book an ad-hoc session this must be done by 5.00pm the previous day. There are also concessions available for siblings which are applied automatically at checkout. Places will be limited each day so please make sure you reserve you space in advance. You can do this by going to the Sport4Kids website and using the online booking page: https://bookings.sport4kids.biz and searching Lane End Primary in the venue search on the left hand side of the webpage.
We are all looking forward to continuing our relationship with the families at Lane End and seeing you all again in September!
David Joy (Sport4Kids Buckinghamshires Director)