Lane End Primary School Newsletter December 2024 | |
I hope you are taking time to relax and enjoy the festive season. Please do take a look at all the wonderful activities the children have been up to in December. We look forward to seeing y… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter 29th November 2024 | |
A big thank you to Mr & Mrs Dunstall who have donated a beautiful Christmas tree to the school! The children will be busy making Christmas decorations to hang on the tree next week. We als… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter 25th October 2024 | |
As the half term draws to a close, take a look at all the wonderful things that the children have been doing. We look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday 5th Novembe… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter 27th September 2024 | |
It is great to be back! We have had a lovely start to the new year - welcoming new children into our school and nursery! | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter January 2025 | |
It seems like a long time ago, but Happy New Year to you all! We have been working hard this month with classes going out on trips and visitors coming into the school as well as some really… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 15th December 2023 | |
Christmas celebrations were kicked off on Friday 8th December when the school choir sang at the Christmas in the Village event at the village hall. It was great seeing so many parents there… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 1st December 2023 | |
Christmas is very nearly here! We may be lucky enough to see some snow over the weekend too! There are lots of Christmas events coming up so please do check the dates for your diary section… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 17th November 2023 | |
The Buckinghamshire Admissions Portal is now open, so be sure to complete your application for a Reception 2024 place now. | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 3rd November 2023 | |
Thank you to everyone who came along to celebrate Harvest with us before half term. The children worked really hard on their class harvest poems and they read them out beautifully! All your… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 13th October 2023 | |
On Thursday, Amethyst Class went for a walk around Lane End village. The children made sketch maps and collected data to record human and physical features. They also practised navigating a… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 29th September 2023 | |
The Year 6 children have just returned from a brilliant week in Dorset at PGL Osmington Bay. Throughout the week, they have experienced a whole range of activities that have tested their ne… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 15th September 2023 | |
Welcome back everyone! It has been a bright and sunny start to the new school year and I am pleased to say everyone has settled back into school well! | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 29th March 2024 | |
Easter has come round very quickly this year! We hope you all enjoy the Easter Bunny trail over the Easter holidays (don't forget to put your bunny out on display with your secret word so o… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 15th March 2024 | |
Reading Week 2024 was a triumph and the children really enjoyed all the different activities that had been arranged. | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 1st March 2024 | |
Well done to all the children that took part in Bikeability last week! It absolutely threw it down on Thursday but they didn't give up! I'm please to say that all the children achieved thei… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 9th February 2024 | |
It has been a busy two weeks at Lane End Primary School! Please see below for all the things we have been up to. We wish you all a very happy half term and we'll see you all back in school … | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 26th January 2024 | |
We are delighted to be able to announce that due to an increase in staffing, we are now able to take more children into our nursery. | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 12th January 2024 | |
Happy New Year to you all! It has been a wonderful to welcome children back to school after the Christmas holidays! We have lots of notices about what is coming up as well helpful suggestio… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter 12th July 2024 | |
A huge well done to our Year 6 Children who did incredibly well in their SATs! We have scored above national in reading with 72% of our children achieving expected or above and a whopping 3… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter 7th June 2024 | |
We have a bumper edition of a newsletter this week - read on to find out about all the wonderful experiences the chidren have enjoyed at Lane End Primary School over the last few weeks! | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter 10th May 2024 | |
This week we have been taking part in Deaf Awareness Week across the school. Two wonderful people in our school community have helped us to reflect on what we can all do to try to be a gre… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 26th April 2024 | |
We have certainly hit the ground running when we came back from the Easter holidays - the children have been out and about with more yet to come! Read on to find out about what we have been… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Tuesday 20th December 2022 | |
It has been a great term with so much going on but we like to be busy at Lane End Primary School! In the last week, we have successfully worked our way around the snow and freezing temperat… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 9th December 2022 | |
The children were invited to attend The Holy Trinity Church in Lane End this week to view their fabulous nativity scenes. Whilst the weather was cold, they were welcomed into the church b… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 25th November 2022 | |
Did you know that the school is officially a 'Helicopter Stories Hub'? | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 11th November 2022 | |
Thank you to all our parents for coming along to our first face to face parents evening for some time. It was so lovely to be able to share the work the children have been doing this term. | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 21st October 2022 | |
I can't believe we are at the end of our first half term already - and it has been a busy one! We have really enjoyed inviting parents back in to join us for different activities and we are… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 7th October 2022 | |
This year's PGL trip took the Year 6s to Bawdsey Manor in Suffolk. It was an incredible place with a beautiful manor and some amazing history - we found out about Winston Churchill's time t… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 23rd September 2022 | |
We are looking forward to our Harvest Festival this year and to make it real community event, we will be holding over the week of the 17th-21st October. | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 9th September 2022 | |
It has been lovely welcoming back the children from the summer holidays! They all look so smart in their uniforms and have settled well into their new classes. | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 31st March 2023 | |
We are already at the end of another term! The return of Dance a Day has been very popular and the children have had the opportunity to take part in some great learning experiences! We are … | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 17th March 2023 | |
Get your dancing shoes on because Dance a Day is back! | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 3rd March 2023 | |
As we come to the end of our 4 day Reading and Equalities Week, it is clear just how much we packed in! | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 10th February 2023 | |
We have had another busy couple of weeks in school; read on to find out what we have been up to! We wish you all a wonderful half term, and we look forward to welcoming all children back to… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 27th January 2023 | |
In our assemblies, we have been finding out about how we learn. | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 13th January 2023 | |
We have had a great start to the new term and are looking forward to more events taking place! To keep in touch with what we have been up to, remember to like and follow our Facebook page! | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 16th June 2023 | |
The sun is out and the weather is warm! Summer has certainly arrived and we have been busy preparing for a half term of exciting activities! Read on to find out more... | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 26th May 2023 | |
It's half term already! Where did it go? Read on below to find out all the things we have been busy doing - particularly for National Bee Day last Friday! | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 12th May 2023 | |
I would like to say a huge well done to our Year 6s this week. They have worked so hard on their SATs, staying focused and showing real resilience. We are all so proud of each and every one… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 28th April 2023 | |
As we head into the bank holiday weekend, please do take the time to read about all the wonderful activities we have been up to at Lane End Primary School. | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 10th September 2021 | |
Don't forget. from 20th September, we will have wraparound care from 7.30am to 6pm. This provision is for children of Lane End Primary School only and is open for children in Reception to Y… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 24th September 2021 | |
For every £10 you spend in store or online, you’ll get a Grow Token to help our school buy everything we need to get growing. Download the MyMorrisons app today to start collecting Grow Tok… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 8th October 2021 | |
This is a new section for our Newsletter and recognises children who have absolutely gone above and beyond for others. Our first two are Tayla and Sammy. Sammy undertook the challenge of r… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 12th November | |
Welcome back everyone! We are now into our second week after half term and we are busier than ever! There is such a positive feel around the school, I can't wait to share what we have been … | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 26th November | |
So far this half term we have had our Anti-Bullying week, Writing Week and a trip to Tiggywinkles - read on to find out more! We are also very busy preparing for Christmas and have loved s… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 1st April 2022 | |
Echoes 9 Concert | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 18th March 2022 | |
Well done to Alex Ashby for being awarded a trophy in Rugby for trying his best! | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 4th March 2022 | |
Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell lots of Reading Week fun! | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 18th February 2022 | |
Storm Eunice did its best today but we carried on with our remote sessions. A big thank you to all the teachers who quickly adapted their class work planned into remote learning sessions a… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 4th February 2022 | |
We had such a great day with Adrian Hall on Monday for our Geography Day! The children were treated to an assembly where Adrian spoke about his adventures to Greenland and showed us some am… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 21st January 2022 | |
We are delighted to be celebrating our Geography Day this year on Monday 31st January. This is a slight change to the proposed date as we will be welcoming Adrian Hall from Active Outdoor … | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 7th January 2022 | |
Welcome back everyone to the Spring term at Lane End Primary School! Now that the weather has turned a lot colder, please could I remind everyone they will need a hat, coat, gloves and scho… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 15th July 2022 | |
You can't have missed the beautiful mosaic that has appeared at the front of the school! A huge thank you to Julie Wetenhall who came in to work with children, creating the tiles for the ar… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 1st July 2022 | |
Last week the children took part in a huge range of sporting activities for our Sports Week. The week kicked off on Monday with an assembly from Sam Ahmend. Sam is an ultra-runner and runs … | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 17th June 2022 | |
We have had a busy couple of weeks at Lane End Primary School and the excitement is mounting as we edge closer to sports week and all of our fabulous summer term events. Read on to find ou… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 27th May 2022 | |
I can't believe it is the end of another busy half term at Lane End Primary School! I hope you all have a fabulous break and I look forward to seeing you on Saturday 4th June at the Lane En… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 13th May 2022 | |
This half term seems to be flying by with only two weeks until half term. There is still so much to look forward in the next two weeks, including our Year 6 PGL trip and our Jubilee picnic.… | |
Lane End Primary School Newsletter Friday 29th April 2022 | |
Welcome back to our final term of this school year - it is going so fast! We have been very busy last term. Please see below for a few of the things we were up to right at the end of term! | |
Lane End Primary School | Hosted by New Era Technology | DB Primary | DB Learning Library