At Lane End Primary School, we are commited to providing a high quality PSHE and RSE Curriclum.
PSHE stands for Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education.
RSE stands for Relationships and Sex Education. At Lane End, this is divided into a Relationships curriculum which is taught across the whole school and a Sex Education curriculum which is only taught in Years 5 and 6.
We aim to equip all children with the knowledge and skills that they need to make healthy choices throughout their life. Our curriculum is split into 3 main areas of learning:
- Living in the wider world:
- Teaching our pupils about money, jobs, community and our environment.
- Health and Well-being:
- Learning about ways to stay healthy and safe; managing our feelings and promoting mental well-being.
- Relationships:
- Learning about and celebrating our similarities and differences; Respecting others; Maintaining healthy friendships; Learning about how we will grow and change.