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Remote Learning

Our Remote Learning Offer

At Lane End Primary School, we are able to offer a three step approach to remote learning for our pupils:

provision march 21

More information about how we use Microsoft Teams:

Each class and bubble has a timetable for when remote learning will take place which is shared on Teams for children and parents to access.

Ks1 sessions (live, recorded and independent) run for a minimum of  3 hours per day and KS2 sessions (live, recorded and independent), a minimum of 4 hours. These sessions are made up of a combination of live and recorded sessions with the teacher as well as independent assignments set for the children to complete. Recorded sessions are supported by the  teacher being available for children to call in to via Teams if they have any questions about their work. Independent assignments are also set via Microsoft Teams for foundation subjects with an input for these given by the class teachers.

The remote curriculum mirrors the in school curriculum that is being taught. This means that whether children are at home accessing remote learning or in school, they are being taught the same content.

Feedback is given throughout the live sessions by the classteacher and it is also given daily through Microsoft teams 'feedback' function once the children have handed their work in. Teachers will use information from the work handed in as well as the ongoing formative assessments made through questioning, quizzing and retrieval activities set within the sessions to assess children's understanding.

Live and recorded sessions are staggered across bubbles to enable siblings in different year groups to access their learning more easily. The school also has a limited number of devices it is able to loan out to parents where needed. Please also speak to us if you have any problems accessing the internet as we are also able to support with this.

Useful Links:

Please see this useful quick start guide for getting started with Microsoft Teams. Please also see below useful links to a range of online learning platforms the school uses to supplement the curriculum. 

Did you know you can also access Microsoft Teams through your PS4, Ps5 or XBox?

If you do not have laptops or ipads at home to access Microsoft Teams, do not despair! If your child has a PS4, PS5 or XBox, then you will be able to access teams through any of these consoles. Our guide on How to Access Teams on a PS4, PS5 or XBox will help you to get started. 

If you do not have any of these consoles and are having difficulty accessing the Remote Learning, please contact the school as soon as possible by emailing the school office: office@laneendprimary.co.uk and we will do our best to help!

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